
Generating Leads With Social Ammo

Social Ammo

While on our 2014 Roadshow, Karl and I met a fan in Sydney who spoke extremely highly of a lead generation company that secured him so many leads for his MSP business, he was considering removing any in-house sales positions that currently had lead generation responsibility. He raved that the difference in results from Social Ammo compared to his in-house team in teeing up new business was night and day.


Today Karl talks to Social Ammo’s Peter Caddick who shares how his company got started and how they can specifically help MSPs create leads. The focal point of Social Ammo’s efforts is on data mining LinkedIn connections, which can perhaps be viewed as daunting work or even an unproductive way in which an MSP can gain new business. Peter explains just how they take the reins of this strategy and outlines how successful it can be.  

 Rayanne Buchianico

Rayanne Buchianico also joins us today in our Oddballs segment. Rayanne gives step-by-step instruction on how to enter bartering transactions into QuickBooks.


Click to listen to today’s episode!  Odd Tuesdays






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